Fort Mill Wrestling Foundation
The Fort Mill Wrestling Foundation is proud to support all of our teams. The Fort Mill Youth, Middle School, Junior Varsity and Varsity ALL benefit from the efforts of the Foundation.
One of the primary functions of the Foundation is to help raise money for the Wrestling Program. It takes a lot of people pitching in here and there to help make each year as successful as possible! Please consider getting involved helping out with the Foundation. It is a great way to support your wrestler, learn more about the sport and meet other wrestling parents!
The Foundation has also started helping out more from a “Social Media” aspect. We manage a public Facebook page with different information and events that can be shared.
We also manage a private Facebook group. This group is for parents, families, alumni and supporters of the Fort Mill Wrestling Program.
There is a newly created Instagram account. We are still working through ideas around Instagram, but I am sure there will be much more there as the season progresses!
As always, there is also a Twitter account to follow. Historically that has been mostly utilized by Coach Brock, but like the Instagram account, we are researching how to utilize that a bit more to get information about the program out there.
Links to most of these are in the top right hand corner of the website at any given time, but will add links here as well for your convenience. Please, follow along and help get the word out about the program.
To learn more about the Foundation or to get involved, feel free to either reach out to a member or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!